Synology Wake on LAN Gateway
The Wake on LAN Gateway is a service that implements Wake on LAN (WoL) subnet directed broadcasts enabling you to wake up computers and other devices on your Local Area Network that support WoL magic packets. The service has been developed because the majority of routers do not support subnet directed broadcasts and therefore it is in most cases impossible to wake up a device from the Internet. The Wake on LAN Gateway will take over this task and works behind any type of router or NAT device. WoL magic packets can be received from any device both on the Internet and your Local Area Network.
- A description of the Wake on LAN functionality can be found on Wikipedia.
- In order to be able to wake up a device on your Local Area Network, it's network card must support WoL magic packets. Please refer to the manual of your device to see if the device supports this and how to enable the Wake on LAN functionality.
- Install a Wake on LAN client of your choice on your PC, tablet or phone in order to be able to wake up a device.
Enable Wake on LAN Gateway
Once the Wake on LAN Gateway is enabled, it will listen for WoL magic packets on UDP port 19999. Received WoL magic packets are validated using the IP address of the sender, MAC address of the target device and password (SecureOn). Accepted WoL magic packets will be broadcasted on the Local Area Network. All rejected or accepted WoL magic packets will be written to both the Synology system log and the log of the Wake on LAN Gateway.
Make sure your router forwards WoL magic packets to the IP address of your Synology NAS on UDP port 19999.
When you have activated the firewall on your Synology NAS, make sure UDP port 19999 is accepted by the firewall.
We also advise you to define Wake on LAN access rules as this will ensure only WoL magic packets meeting the criteria will be broadcasted on your Local Area Network.
Manage Wake on LAN access rules
The devices that can be awakend are maintained in the Wake on LAN Gateway based on the attributes below:
- Name of the device.
- MAC address of the device. (eg: 0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f)
- IP address or subnet of the sender that is allowed to wake up the device. If omitted or equal to all IP addresses are accepted. Format: IPv4 address or IPv4 address/subnet with a value between 8 and 32 or IPv6 address/prefix with a value between 8 and 128.
- Password (SecureOn). The password can be either a string up to 6 characters or the hexadecimal representation of 6 bytes like for example f5e4d3c2b1a0.
- SecureOn: Forward password to target device. If your device is configured for SecureOn you choose for "on". The password will be forwarded in the WoL magic packet sent to the device. Otherwise the password will be stripped from the WoL magic packet. This will allow the usage of secure WoL magic packets even when the target device doesn't support this.
If no devices are defined, all WoL magic packets will be accepted for any device and from any IP address!
Install the Wake on LAN Gateway
Download the Wake on LAN Gateway and go to the Package Center of your Synology NAS. Choose for 'Manual Install' and select the downloaded package.
The Wake on LAN Gateway uses Perl. Install Perl if it is not yet installed on your Synology NAS.
Download the Wake on LAN Gateway